Byne Kids
This month, the Gospel Project explores the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was unfairly sentenced to die although He did no wrong. Jesus was the perfect substitute for us, dying on the cross for our sins and rising from the dead. Everyone who trusts in Jesus has forgiveness and life with God forever. The darkest day the world has ever seen became the brightest day one glorious Sunday morning. After Jesus was unjustly convicted of a crime, He was crucified and His body was placed in a tomb. But on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death and rising again as the conquering King.
Big Picture Question: How is Jesus the perfect king?
Answer: Jesus perfectly rules over the universe as the King of kings.
Sunday School Weekly topics:
March 2: Jesus was put on trial
March 9: Jesus was crucified
March 16: Jesus was raised
March 23: Jesus is the perfect king
During the 10:45 hour, we are diving into having big faith. In the world we live in, we need big faith to combat all that life throws at us. Whether we are young, middle aged, or mature in life, we all face things that require faith. We will start with learning how our faith only has to be the size of a mustard seed to make those big mountains move!
Kids On Mission
Wednesday nights are focused on being mission-minded. Our children are learning what sharing the gospel with people worldwide is like. They are seeing pictures, hearing testimonies, and discussing the importance of helping others know God. When children learn to witness to others, they are more confident in sharing their faith. God will use their confidence to bring more people to Him!