The ByneLine communicates what we celebrate, what we do, and how we do it with unity, purpose, and passion!
Registration is open!
We need everyone to jump in and find a place to serve. This is always a night to remember! Most people sign up thinking they are serving the community but the volunteers are the ones that walk away feeling the most blessed by such a magical night.
Save the date!!
Night to Shine will be February 7th!
January 5th Right after church
Discover Byne Lunch
Discover what it means to join the mission of Byne Church and how to be a part of the Byne Family. We will have a time for questions as we share lunch directly following the service. If you would like to sign-up, click below. We hope to see you there!
January 7, 2025
Please sign up in the church foyer by Sunday, January 5, 2025
The Laniers open thier barn up for a small group on Mondays at 6.
If Wednesday night small groups won't fit in your schedule or you just want an extra night of fellowship, you have the option to join this group. Dinner begins at 6 and Bible study begins at 6:45.
Please see David or Cathy Lynn Lanier for more details.
Although we have each week covered for Byne Kids, this doesn't mean that we can't use you. If you would like to help in children's ministry, please call the church or see Misty.
Kids on Mission has been going so well!
We have so many new families joining us for a time of discipleship. It's an exciting time in our kid's ministry!
Check-in begins each Wednesday night at 6:05, and we ask students to sit on the stairs until the teachers are ready to receive them. Our hope is that this will allow parents to get to our adult Bible study classes.
Sunbeams and Mission friends will have class in the nursery area and parents are asked to walk them down to their classes.
Girls in Action and Royal Ambassadors will go upstairs to rooms 215-218. There will be signs upstairs so you and your children know where to go.
Pickup Information:
- For Older Children (Girls in Action and Royal Ambassadors): They will be seated on the stairs when it's time to pick up, so you do not need to go upstairs.
- For Younger Children (Sunbeams and Mission Friends): Please pick them up directly from their classrooms in the nursery area.
January 26
Calling all crafty hearts and caring hands! Join us on January 26th at 5:30 PM in Room 114 for a special card-making event.
? No artistic skills? No problem! It's the thought that counts, and we'll have plenty of supplies to help you create your masterpiece.
So, come along, let's get crafty, have fun, and most importantly, let's spread some love and positivity to those who need it the most.
If you have any questions, please see Missy Burton or Lana Adams.
If you have any questions, please see Tod Lanier or Ellier Gervero
Every Wednesday, between 8am and 1pm, we dedicate our time to enhancing and maintaining our facility to honor the space we have been blessed with.
For further details, please reach out to Pastor Hal.
Our church food pantry is always in need of items. We are blessed that we are able to serve many families when they call and need a bag of food.
The pantry plays a vital role in our community, providing food for those who are in need. Your generous donations can make a significant difference in someone's life.
We're currently in need of non-perishable food items such as canned goods, pasta, rice, cereal, and other staples. If you're able to contribute, please bring your donations to the church office.
Thank you for your continued support and for being a blessing to our community.
Join us on Fridays at 6:30 in our small group room |
We are a supportive community for individuals struggling with a range of challenges, including mental illness, addiction, poor health, grief, and more. Together, we can work toward overcoming these obstacles and emerge stronger and more resilient.
Classes will resume January 6, 2025.
Line dancing will be taking a temporary break as our leader recovers from surgery.
ELLEN KING: 214-310-2668
January Note from Pastor Mark |
Connected: In Christ + In Community + On Mission
"Please check your connection." Your phone, computer, and even your television depend on a stable internet connection to function-and when it goes out, people go crazy! In today's world, much of life revolves around "on-demand" streaming services.
In a similar way, our spiritual life depends on a constant connection to God's supply - to His grace.
This year, we will explore the ways God provides the grace we need to experience an abundant life. Some people have never established a stable connection, while others struggle with short circuits and unstable connections. God offers an unlimited supply to meet our every need-all we have to do is stay connected!
Mission Opportunities:
- Philippines Mission Trip (2025)
- Continue praying about getting involved in the mission trip to the Philippines.
- If you'd like to contribute, mark your gift as "Philippine Offering" for the Christmas Mission Project.
- Philippines Ministry Update:
- Location: Tapaz, Capiz, Philippines
- Event Recap: The school supplies distribution provided 1,200 children with supplies, 800 Bibles, haircuts, and ice cream. Local pastors shared a message based on John 3:16.
- Additional Support: Assistance was provided to victims of flash flooding in Batangas.
- Future Outreach: There are plans to extend support beyond Western Visayas.
- Alpha Pregnancy Center Needs:
- The center serves 70 women who need diapers, wipes, baby clothing, books, small toys, and more.
- You can donate items directly or purchase from their Amazon wish list.
Special Ministry Opportunities:
- Happy Hearts: Meeting again on January 7th.
- Men's Ministry: Bible study resumes on January 15th at 6:15 PM.
- Night to Shine:
- Volunteer registration is open. (Registration links are provided above)
- Workdays: February 1-6, with a big volunteer day on Saturday, February 1st.
- Volunteer training on January 8, 18, and 22.
Additional Ministry and Fellowship Opportunities:
- FAITH Riders: Meetings are back! You can contact Durwood Pollock for details.
- Overcomers: Support group for fellowship and sharing life experiences, Fridays at 6:30 PM.
- Card Ministry: Write encouraging cards to church family members, meeting on the last Sunday of each month.
- International Ministry:
- International Small Group meets on Sundays at 9:30 AM in room 316.
- ESL Classes: Sundays at 4 PM, resumes January 5th.
- Red Cross Blood Drive: January 9th, starting at 3 PM.
- Pickleball Tournament: Saturday, January 11th, 9 AM. Open to all-contact Ellier Gervero to sign up.
- Maintenance Volunteers: Help is always needed around campus.
Vision & Mission:
- Vision: A multicultural, multi-generational church that exalts Jesus Christ and helps people discover their purpose in Him through love.
- Mission: To Know, Love, and Live for Jesus!
If you're interested in any of these opportunities, don't hesitate to contact the church office or pray about how you can be involved!
Byne Kids
This month, the Gospel Project explores the warnings of Jesus. Jesus is the Messiah spoken about by the prophet Zechariah: "Look, your King is coming to you; He is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey" (Zechariah 9:9). One day, Jesus will return to earth on a white horse as King over everything.
Big Picture Question: How is Jesus the perfect prophet?
Answer: Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophet spoke.
Sunday School Weekly topics:
January 5: People Welcomed Jesus as King
January 12: Leaders Wanted to Trick Jesus
January 19: Jesus Warned About Not Loving
January 26: Jesus Warned About Not Acting
February 2: Jesus is Our Perfect Prophet
During the 10:45 hour, I'm calling this series "Reset." So often, we go to church when our parents tell us to. We remind our children to say their prayers or talk to God. This month, our children will be challenged to reset their prayer time and reset how they think about God. Sometimes, we have to reset to make sure that our priorities are aligned with the things that please the Lord. We hope you will join us as we Reset and place our focus on Jesus!
Kids On Mission
Wednesday nights are focused on being mission-minded. Our children are learning what sharing the gospel with people worldwide is like. They are seeing pictures, hearing testimonies, and discussing the importance of helping others know God. When children learn to witness to others, they are more confident in sharing their faith. God will use their confidence to bring more people to Him!
January 5
Becky Carlton, Randy Carlton, Lou Chavers, Cathy Lynn Lanier, Trinity Crawford
January 12
Mallory Eubanks, Valencia Mesamours, Destinie Crawford, Linda Cumbie, Kim Johnson
January 19
Penny Knight, Priscilla Pollock, Aurora Wilder, Petrocelli Wilder, Patty Johnson, Calvin Johnson
January 26
Amber Douglas, Maria Jensen, Liberty Crawford
January 2-3: Church office open 8 am - 3 pm
January 3: Overcomers
January 5: Discover Byne
January 7: Happy Hearts
January 8: Night to Shine Volunteer Training 6 pm
January 9: Blood drive
January 10: Overcomers
January 13: Night WOM
January 14: Day WOM
January 17: Overcomers
January 18: Night to Shine Volunteer Training 10 am
January 19: Stewardship and Vision Team Meeting
January 20: Deacon meeting
January 22: Night to Shine Volunteer Training 6 pm
January 24: Overcomers
January 26: Card Ministry
January 30: BCS Vision Night
January 31: Overcomers
Basketball Schedule
Home Games
January 7: BCS VS Scintilla Charter 5:00
January 17: BCS VS Chess Academy 4:00
January 21: BCS VS SWGA STEM 4:00
Children's Bible Recommendation |
What Bible should I read?
What version will help my children better understand God's word?
What do the red letters mean?
How can I help my children be more excited about reading their Bible?
All of these are great questions so we want to provide you with a great recommendation. We aren't in the book business but we are trying to make every effort to partner with parents to help in training our children in the way they should go. (Proverbs 22:6) The best way we can do this is to model to them how we connect with God on a daily basis.