We've Witnessed It

We've Witnessed It.
Many of us share common goals in the new year – lose weight, save money, and read the Bible through. As I try to stay on pace with a chronological reading plan, I find myself reading the same story multiple times because it is recorded multiple times in the gospels. As three or four authors tell the same story, we are presented with a great deal of evidence for the veracity of the story. Witnesses matter. Many witnesses matter more.

One of my favorite pastors, Adrian Rogers, tells the story of a many who encountered a Christian at work and then another Christian on a plane. After getting off the plane, he encountered another Christian (I believe in a cab). It seemed like everywhere he went, there was a witness of the gospel. It will not shock you to hear that the man gave his life to Christ. Each person played a part. Each witness has power.

You do not have to do everything, but God will place you in moments to do something, to say something. He is God who seeks to save. It is not up to you to save people, but it is up to you to be a witness. 

What has God said? What has God done? Be a witness.  

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:6

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