Hey Kids, Look out the Window

Prepping for the Journey

This summer families have traveled all over the country and many, all over the world! We have “liked” your pictures online and have enjoyed hearing your stories. As we prepare for the “journey” of the 2024-2025 school year, over the course of the next few weeks, we will provide a few tips to consider as you prepare your family and pack your backpacks.
Hey kids, look out the window!

I remember bringing VHS cassettes of our favorite movies in the conversion van, pulling down the shades on the windows and reclining in the velour captain's chair. Many of our kids bring phones, iPads, and gaming devices to help the time pass by. While the distractions may have “improved,” the world outside the window continues pass us by.

Enjoyment and comfort can keep us from discovering the most awe-inspiring and fulfilling experiences of life. Encourage your children to not only find something they enjoy, but to try things they have never attempted. This season of life affords opportunities for students to take classes, join new clubs and teams, and experience events.

How tragic would it be if you never discovered your child’s “A” strength, because everyone has been applauding their “B” and “C” strengths?  Some great athletes are amazing musicians, and many musicians are brilliant leaders on the field.  Encourage your kids to “go for it” and give something new a try. Sometimes shepherds, like David, make the best warriors and fashionistas, like Lydia, make the best leaders! The God who knit each child in the womb (Psalm 139:19) and called each a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) is sending us on a journey this year to discover His design in each life every day!

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