Church on Mission

Church on Mission
Everyone has heard, and most have used, the old Jamaican saying, “monkey see, monkey do”. Monkeys are not the only animals that mimic human behavior or actions, many birds are able to repeat words and noises. The African Grey Parrot can have up to a 1,000 word vocabulary.  Children also repeat actions and words they observe in authority figures.

In an effort to reach young people, churches have reoriented everything to cater to the preferences of young people. In previous days, movements like the Sunday school movement and organizations like the YMCA were formed to bridge this gap. In recent decades, churches have made changes in everything from music and programming to building plans and branding to reach the next generation. The late Michael Catt famously said, “whoever wants the next generation the most will get it”. Churches should make generational ministry a priority.

While each church will use various pragmatic approaches to bridge the gap, we must regain a biblical posture of discipleship to gain God’s blessing. Effective disciple-makers demonstrate a biblical lifestyle and invite disciples to follow. Jesus did not chase the whims of His disciples. He invited them to be on mission with Him. Jesus did not take a poll to see what the disciples valued or what they preferred. He showed them what is valuable and what is desirable. He showed them what pleased the Father.

When parents, grandparents, and churches place the emphasis of ministry on pacifying and entertaining young people, they change the goal from discipleship to idolatry. Children and teenagers should learn to join adults in ministry. They should learn to live “on mission”. Yes, ballfields can be mission fields, but if all of life is centered around ballfields, rarely do they become places of authentic kingdom-first mission.

Question: In what ways are you serving the Lord that are intentional, observable, and repeatable? Kids need to learn what adults do. They need to see what authentic faith in the Lord and relationship with the Father causes us to do with our lives. Kids need to see parents on mission. Kids need to see grandparents on mission. Kids need to see the church on mission. Kids need to learn to be on mission.

 The emphasis of each Wednesday is to provide an opportunity for adults to live on mission as we teach how to live an abundant life in Christ.  Remember the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1 : Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

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